Between Five and Nine LLC is a team working on the design, development and deployment of Full Stack Typescript Applications (Web, Native Mobile Apps and Desktop Apps). To obtain a quote send us an inquiry via the contact form below.
A list of the technologies we work with:
- Figma (Low/High Fidelity UI/UX Mock ups and Prototyping)
- Inkscape (Vector Graphics Editing)
- Gimp (Rasta Graphics Editing)
- Github (Version Control/Project Collaboration)
- Jira (Project Management)
- HTML/CSS/ Typescript/Javascript
- Babel
- Webpack
- Heroku
- NodeJS/Express(Server Side Applications)
- JSONWebToken for Tokenization
- Docker (Containerization)
- Kubernetes (Container Management
- Jenkins (Build Process)
- DigitalOcean
- Octopus (Continual Integration/Continual Development
- MongoDB (a NoSQL database)
- PostgreSQL(a SQL database)
- Mongo Atlas (a mongo viewer)
- MongooseJS (an ORM tool)